Getting Back To Crossfit Following An Injury
As with any other sport, crossfit has its share of risks. Anytime you perform complicated movements of putting heavy weight over your head, there is a possibility for injury. No one at our clinic will tell you that you are at greater risk for injury because you do crossfit. Jogging, tennis, football all have their…
Elbow Pain and Crossfit
You’ve probably realized (or are in the process of realizing) that any part of the body can come under some serious strain in the box, especially if form is bad and flexibility is poor. The elbows are no exception to this rule. In fact elbow tendonitis is a very common ailment that affects a lot…
7 Things Crossfitters Can Do Right Now about Their Elbow Pain
Does it seem like you can’t get through the day without having pain in your elbow? You go to lift your laundry basket, pull a door open, or even try to twist off the cap to your water bottle and feel pain or soreness. Elbow pain is one of the most common problems occupational/hand therapists…
When Should I See a Physical Therapist, and Will it Help?
Sore? “Who Cares!” Achy? “No problem.” Stiff? “No big deal.” We…are Crossfitters. If we did not like to “feel the burn,” we would still be working out at a local gym using elliptical machines and machine weights. But when the feeling goes beyond the burn and enters into pain, or even worse – injury, how…