The Top 5 Most Common Sports Injuries

We are all urged to get plenty of exercise. Many, young and old, get plenty, and that’s a good thing. Individual and team sports are great ways to stay in shape and are a lot of fun. Unfortunately, participation in sports means an increased risk for injuries. Here are the top 5 common sports related…

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Getting Back To Crossfit Following An Injury

As with any other sport, crossfit has its share of risks. Anytime you perform complicated movements of putting heavy weight over your head, there is a possibility for injury. No one at our clinic will tell you that you are at greater risk for injury because you do crossfit. Jogging, tennis, football all have their…

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Is Your Back Keeping You From Enjoying The Game?

As we reach the last weeks of summer there’s an excitement in the air that can only come from the start of pre-season football, and the expectations of a new season. Along with picking our fantasy teams and filling up on our favorite snacks as we meet up with friends to tailgate, nothing beats the…

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Athletes Secrets for Recovering from Shoulder Pain

As sports fans and athletes alike know, shoulder injuries are serious business. They can be extremely painful, limiting, and slow to heal. As physical therapist Kelly Keeney explains, the rotator cuff is a common shoulder injury site, though there are plenty of exercises to help you recover. What Is a Rotator Cuff Injury? The rotator…

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Physical Therapy Aids in the Recovery of Sports Related Injuries

The increase in sports and recreational activity during the next few months will subsequently lead to an increased number of sports-related injuries that may require physical rehabilitation. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, over 5 million sports related injuries occur annually in the U. S. requiring medical consultation. Summer sports, including basketball, bicycling,…

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