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It’s summer time and a lot of you are spending a good deal of time working in your yard.
If you chronic back pain or that nagging neck and shoulder pain, this might be a little hard for you.
I want to give you a few suggestions to make yard work easier on you this summer.
One thing you can do is buy long handled tools. We got one at Wal Mart for $5.00. Just having something with a longer handle will keep you from bending as much. You will still be bending but not as much as if you are on your hands and knees.
If you do have to get on your hands and knees, try using this simple thing ……knee pads. Most of us don’t think about that until we’ve been sitting on the ground for about 15 minutes. And then you start to hurt. Knee pads can be bought anywhere, Wal Mart, Home Depot, etc, also for $5.00. Slipping on knee pads is an easy thing to do, but I promise you, they will save you quite a bit of time and pain.
Another important thing, when picking out hand tools, spend some time holding them to make sure they work for you. There are so many designs. Choose the handle and grip that works best and is the most comfortable for you and your particular problem. We found one has some extensions for extra support in different areas and a thumb support as well.
It is important to change your position often. Stand up, stretch, and always do a quick warm up before you spend a good deal of time in the yard. This will save you so much trouble down the road.
One final suggestion that we like at our house……raised flower bed. Raising flower beds to your level makes it a lot easier to weed and plant.
I hope you found this helpful, please stay tuned for other helpful tips.
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