What’s Causing Your Knees to Hurt? It Might Not Be What You Think!

Have you been having a lot of knee pain like many of our clients lately? The kind that slows you down, makes it hard to get up and down the stairs or even get up out of your chair? If so, you may be inadvertently causing it by doing these three things. Wearing High Heals…
You Do Not Have to Be a Runner to Suffer From Runner’s Knee

Hey Everybody. It’s Jason and I am at the Just Fitness Gym in Belton, which houses Centex Rehab-Belton. I wanted to let you know about some of the New Years Resolutions that I have made. I have planned to get more organized, to work from home less and to get in shape! Getting in shape…
Tips To Make Working In Your Yard Less Painful
[iframe id=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/178610001?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″] It’s summer time and a lot of you are spending a good deal of time working in your yard. If you chronic back pain or that nagging neck and shoulder pain, this might be a little hard for you. I want to give you a few suggestions to make yard work easier on…