What Your Anti Inflammatory Medications Are Not Telling You?

Anti inflammatory medications include common meds that can be purchased over the counter such as Advil and ibuprofen. These medications are commonly taken to help reduce pain and the dreaded swelling that typically accompanies a recent tweak or injury. Less pain. Less swelling. Seems like a no brainer, right?! Well, not always.. That pain and…
Mask The Pain With Medicine Or Get Long Term Relief From PT?
[iframe id=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/178609999?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″] I want to share a quick personal story with you You may or may not know that I, myself, am not a physical therapist. I have employed them for 10 years, but I am actually a speech therapist. The funny thing is that despite working with them for so many years, I have never…
Getting Comfortable At Work With Back Or Neck Pain
[iframe id=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/178610001?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″] One of the most common questions asked from people who are having back and neck pain is, “how can they make themselves comfortable at work?” Most of us spend all day at a desk. in front of a computer, in a chair supplied by someone who wasn’t thinking of us when they picked…
Is Your Back Keeping You From Enjoying The Game?
As we reach the last weeks of summer there’s an excitement in the air that can only come from the start of pre-season football, and the expectations of a new season. Along with picking our fantasy teams and filling up on our favorite snacks as we meet up with friends to tailgate, nothing beats the…