Is Your Nighttime Routine The Reason For Your Neck Pain?

I get asked all the time, “what is causing my neck pain?” It’s a difficult question to answer. Not because I don’t know how to ease neck pain, but I don’t know their personal circumstances. And I don’t know your personal circumstances. What I can suggest however, is that it is your nighttime routine that is causing you…

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Neck Pain Stretches and Exercises – Ask Centex Rehab!

I want to talk to you today about neck pain. Many of you, including myself have neck pain from sitting at a desk and looking down at a computer all day. I want to show you a couple of things that you could do to make that a little bit better. We almost all do…

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Mask The Pain With Medicine Or Get Long Term Relief From PT?

[iframe id=”″] I want to share a quick personal story with you You may or may not know that I, myself, am not a physical therapist. I have employed them for 10 years, but I am actually a speech therapist. The funny thing is that despite working with them for so many years, I have never…

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Tips To Make Working In Your Yard Less Painful

[iframe id=”″] It’s summer time and a lot of you are spending a good deal of time working in your yard. If you chronic back pain or that nagging neck and shoulder pain, this might be a little hard for you. I want to give you a few suggestions to make yard work easier on…

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Getting Comfortable At Work With Back Or Neck Pain

[iframe id=”″] One of the most common questions asked from people who are having back and neck pain is, “how can they make themselves comfortable at work?” Most of us spend all day at a desk. in front of a computer, in a chair supplied by someone who wasn’t thinking of us when they picked…

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Athletes Secrets for Recovering from Shoulder Pain

As sports fans and athletes alike know, shoulder injuries are serious business. They can be extremely painful, limiting, and slow to heal. As physical therapist Kelly Keeney explains, the rotator cuff is a common shoulder injury site, though there are plenty of exercises to help you recover. What Is a Rotator Cuff Injury? The rotator…

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