How to Improve Posture For a Healthy Back

A lot of people, including our patients at Centex Rehabilitation, often underestimate the power of great posture, why your posture is so important, and the endless benefits it can have on your lifestyle. For most people, their time is more than likely spent sitting at a desk or in their car driving, standing up for…
A Barrel of Monkeys – A Quick and Easy Home Therapy Tool!

Some of the skills addressed in occupational therapy are fine motor control, visual perceptual skills and motor planning. Therefore, let’s take a moment to look at a quick, easy and fun activity that can address all three of these skills. I’m sure you’ve seen this game before. It is likely one that you already have…
Low Back Pain? Try This Simple Exercise That You Can Do at Home!

Did you know that research shows back pain affects around 70% of our population? You may very well be suffering from the effects of back pain if you are watching this video. In this post, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Joel Kelley, gives away one of his best kept secrets on how you can reduce your…
What your Physical Therapist Isn’t Telling You!

As a physical therapist, I hear far too often, “I didn’t know that”, or, “I was never told that”, from my patients that have previously received physical therapy, chiropractic care, or body work at various locations. As a medical health professional, this is disappointing to me that more patients are not being empowered with knowledge…
What Your Anti Inflammatory Medications Are Not Telling You?

Anti inflammatory medications include common meds that can be purchased over the counter such as Advil and ibuprofen. These medications are commonly taken to help reduce pain and the dreaded swelling that typically accompanies a recent tweak or injury. Less pain. Less swelling. Seems like a no brainer, right?! Well, not always.. That pain and…
Is Your Nighttime Routine The Reason For Your Neck Pain?

I get asked all the time, “what is causing my neck pain?” It’s a difficult question to answer. Not because I don’t know how to ease neck pain, but I don’t know their personal circumstances. And I don’t know your personal circumstances. What I can suggest however, is that it is your nighttime routine that is causing you…
Live Broadcast April 8, 2019

What is causing my back pain? Obviously, I’m not able to answer specifically to one person because there are so many possibilities as to what could be causing it. However, I can tell you what the more common causes of back pain are. Some of the most common causes of low back pain are lack…
What’s Causing Your Knees to Hurt? It Might Not Be What You Think!

Have you been having a lot of knee pain like many of our clients lately? The kind that slows you down, makes it hard to get up and down the stairs or even get up out of your chair? If so, you may be inadvertently causing it by doing these three things. Wearing High Heals…
Live Broadcast April 1, 2019

My knees hurt when I bike. Do I need to give up biking? Absolutely not! Never give up doing what you love to do unless you’ve been told to by a professional. And even then, get a second opinion! It could be that your knee is jacked up and it could be that it’s only…
Neck Pain Stretches and Exercises – Ask Centex Rehab!

I want to talk to you today about neck pain. Many of you, including myself have neck pain from sitting at a desk and looking down at a computer all day. I want to show you a couple of things that you could do to make that a little bit better. We almost all do…